What's New in 4.5.0
The main features of CommandBox 4.5.0 are:
Ability to install OpenJDK automatically for your servers to use (read more)
Environment Variables in the shell (read more)
Support for Forgebox Enterprise (TBA soon)
JRE Bundled CommandBox installs now use OpenJDK instead of Oracle JDK
TestBox Code Coverage integration (read more)
I already wrote a fairly comprehensive overview of the new features and big fixes here. Go read it:
Note, there are two backwards incompatible changes. The first is we turned OFF directory browsing by default on servers. You can easily get the old behavior back with
The second is that unhandled errors in the shell no longer show the stack trace (you probably wouldn't have noticed if I didn't tell you!) Get the old behavior back with:
Release Notes
Here's the full list of everything that went into this release.
[COMMANDBOX-784] - editing in the shell prompt is buggy while using Gitbash in VSCode
[COMMANDBOX-895] - Passing positional args to task errors with required param
[COMMANDBOX-897] - Passing command string as single arg to box fails
[COMMANDBOX-899] - Exitting recipe with exit code errors
[COMMANDBOX-901] - external module mappings broken in CommandBox 4
[COMMANDBOX-903] - Incorrect behavior when parsing unmatched quotes
[COMMANDBOX-915] - Cruft left in temp folder
[COMMANDBOX-917] - Silence annoying ESAPI warnings
[COMMANDBOX-919] - Warnings on java 11 about illegal reflective access
New Feature
[COMMANDBOX-516] - Add concept of env vars for commands to use
[COMMANDBOX-906] - Add preCommandParamProcess interception point
[COMMANDBOX-907] - outdated commands now verify packages in parallel
[COMMANDBOX-908] - Automatically download JRE for server if specified by version range
[COMMANDBOX-910] - Support multiple ForgeBox endpoints
[COMMANDBOX-911] - New Java endpoint that ties into the AdpotOpenJDK builds
[COMMANDBOX-914] - Make exit code of native binary from run command available in the exception that is thrown
[COMMANDBOX-916] - Pull Code Coverage data on "testbox run"
[COMMANDBOX-921] - Allow recipe args to be used as environment variables for that command
[COMMANDBOX-896] - Add ETA to progress bar when downloading
[COMMANDBOX-898] - Improve default handling of JVM heap size
[COMMANDBOX-900] - Default directoryBrowsing to false
[COMMANDBOX-902] - Allow box to be called with a single string containing a command chain
[COMMANDBOX-904] - Prevent folder endpoint from picking up folders in CWD on install
[COMMANDBOX-909] - Hide stack trace by default when CLI errors
[COMMANDBOX-922] - Allow recipe command to accept arbitrary commands directly
[COMMANDBOX-923] - Include mapping-tag in rewrite exclusion list
[COMMANDBOX-924] - Update JRE builds to use OpenJDK instead of Oracle JDK
[COMMANDBOX-925] - Provide all other args to command completor UDFs
[COMMANDBOX-926] - Announce postInstall interceptions even if package was found to be already installed
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