Baked in Rules

Baked-in Rules

CommandBox has a few baked in rules that you can apply ad-hoc or as part of a server profile.

  • web.blockCFAdmin - Returns 404 error page for any Adobe CF or Lucee Server admin administrator paths

  • web.blockSensitivePaths - Returns 404 error page for common config files such as box.json or .env

  • web.blockFlashRemoting - Blocks all paths related to Flash and Flex remoting calls

If you want to customize the rules above, simply turn them off and include the rules directly in your server.json where you can modify them as you see fit.

Block CF Admin

This setting has three possible settings:

  • true - Block ALL access to ColdFusion and Lucee admins

  • false - Do not block anything

  • external - Only block access not coming from localhost.

The exact rule activated when you set this property to true is:


The exact rule activated when you set this property to external is:

cf-admin() -> block-external()

Block Sensitive Paths

This setting only allows true/false. This is a bit of a catch-all rule for any sort of paths that a user should never be able to make on production that could reveal information or access secret parts of your CF installation. When set to true, the following rules are activated:

// track and trace verbs can leak data in XSS attacks
disallowed-methods( methods={trace,track} )

// Common config files and sensitive paths that should never be accessed, even on development
regex( pattern='.*/(box.json|server.json|web.config|urlrewrite.xml|package.json|package-lock.json|Gulpfile.js)', case-sensitive=false ) -> set-error(404)

// Any file or folder starting with a period
regex('/\.')-> set-error( 404 )

// Additional serlvlet mappings in Adobe CF's web.xml
path-prefix( { '/JSDebugServlet','/securityanalyzer','/WSRPProducer' } ) -> set-error( 404 )

// java web service (Axis) files
regex( pattern='\.jws$', case-sensitive=false ) -> set-error( 404 )

When the profile is set to production, the following rule is also added which blocks the ColdFusion RDS access from CF Builder and access to TestBox runners:

regex( pattern='.*/(CFIDE/multiservermonitor-access-policy.xml|CFIDE/probe.cfm|CFIDE/main/ide.cfm|tests/runner.cfm|testbox/system/runners/HTMLRunner.cfm)', case-sensitive=false ) -> set-error(404)

If you need to legitimately access any of these paths, you'll need to turn off this setting and custom-add the rules that you want to keep. This setting is a convenience that adds several rules at once.

Block Flash Remoting

This setting only allows true/false. When set to true, the following rules are activated:

// These all map to web.xml servlet mappings for ACF
path-prefix( { '/flex2gateway','/flex-internal','/flashservices/gateway','/cfform-internal','/CFFormGateway' } ) -> set-error( 404 )

// Files used for flash remoting
regex( pattern='\.(mxml|cfswf)$', case-sensitive=false ) -> set-error( 404 )

If you need to legitimately access any of these paths, you'll need to turn off this setting and custom-add the rules that you want to keep. This setting is a convenience that adds several rules at once.

Override just part of a baked-in rule

What if you want to go one step deeper? For instance, the blockSensitivePaths setting blocks a whole bunch of stuff all in one shot. An example might be wanting to open up JUST the RDS IDE integration for your developers, which funnels through the /CFIDE/main/ide.cfm path which you can see is blocked above.

The solution to this is quite simple and is all based on the ORDER in which your rules are processed. Built-in CommandBox rules are the last to process. This means that if you hijack the predicates with a custom rule FIRST, you can override the behavior of the built in rules. So, if we want to allow access to the /CFIDE/main/ide.cfm path, we just need to add a custom rule that matches that path and then aborts the predicate chain so no further rules fire.

server set web.rules="['path(/CFIDE/main/ide.cfm)->done']" --append 

Which gives you the following server.json


The done handler is what bypasses all subsequent rules for the request.

Since your custom rules are processed BEFORE the built-in rules, that also means that you have the ability to accidentally bypass security rules by applying another rule that intercepts the request! By default a custom rule won't block subsequent rules from firing unless you rewrite the request or use the special done handler.

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