Every time you start a server, the settings used to start it are saved in a server.json
file in the web root. Any parameters that aren't supplied to the start
command are read from this file (if it exists) and used as defaults. Here are the possible properties for a server.json
"name": "",
"openBrowser": true,
"openBrowserURL": "http://localhost/admin/login",
"startTimeout": 240,
"stopsocket": 50123,
"debug": false,
"trace": false,
"console": false,
"profile": "prod",
"dockEnable": true,
"trayEnable": true,
"trayicon": "/path/to/trayicon.png",
// Used for host-updater module, but not for bindings
"hostAlias": "",
"env": {
"ANYTHING_HERE": "you want",
"THESE_ARE_ADDED": "As environment variables to the server"
"trayOptions": [
"label": "Foo",
"action": "openbrowser",
"url": "http://${}:${runwar.port}/foobar.cfm",
"disabled": false,
"image": "/path/to/image.png"
"label": "Open VScode",
"action": "runAsync",
"command": "code .", // Command is run relative to webroot, for box commands begin command with `box`
"disabled": false,
"image": "/path/to/image.png"
"label": "Open Webroot",
"action": "openfilesystem",
"path": "./", // Path is relative to your webroot
"disabled": false,
"image": "/path/to/image.png"
"jvm": {
"heapSize": 512,
"minHeapSize": 256,
"args": [
// Can be a string or an array
"javaHome": "/path/to/java/home",
"javaVersion": "openjdk11"
"web": {
"host": "",
// Used for default bindings
"hostAlias": "",
"webroot": "src/cfml",
"directoryBrowsing": true,
"accessLogEnable": true,
"maxRequests": 30,
"gzipEnable": true,
"gzipPredicate": "regex( '(.*).css' ) and request-larger-than( 500 )",
"aliases": {
"/foo": "../bar",
"/js": "C:/static/shared/javascript"
"errorPages": {
"404": "/path/to/404.html",
"500": "/path/to/500.html",
"default": "/path/to/default.html"
"welcomeFiles": "index.cfm,main.cfm,go.cfm",
"bindings": {
"HTTP": {
"listen" : "8080"
"SSL": {
"listen": 443,
"certFile": "",
"keyFile": "",
"keyPass": ""
"AJP": {
"listen": 8009
"rewrites": {
"enable": true,
"logEnable": true,
"config": "/path/to/config.xml",
"statusPath": "/rewriteStatus",
"configReloadSeconds": 60
"basicAuth": {
"enable": true,
"users": {
"userName1": "password1",
"userName2": "password2"
"rules": [
"path-suffix(/box.json) -> set-error(404)",
"path-prefix(.env) -> set-error(404)",
"path-prefix(/admin/) -> ip-access-control(192.168.0.* allow)",
"path(/sitemap.xml) -> rewrite(/sitemap.cfm)",
// 3 ways to specify rulesFile:
"rulesFile": "../secure-rules.json",
// Or...
"rulesFile": [
// Or...
"rulesFile": "../rules/*.json",
"blockCFAdmin": false,
"blockSensitivePaths": true,
"blockFlashRemoting": true
"sites": {
"site-name-here": {
// Any valid option from "web" plus "profile"
"another-site-name-here": {
// Any valid option from "web" plus "profile"
"app": {
"logDir": "",
"libDirs": "",
"webConfigDir": "",
"serverConfigDir": "",
"webXML": "",
"WARPath": "",
"cfengine": "lucee@5.x",
"restMappings": "/rest/*,/api/*",
"serverHomeDirectory": "",
"sessionCookieSecure": true,
"sessionCookieHTTPOnly": true,
"webXMLOverride": "path/to/web.xml",
"webXMLOverrideForce": false
"runwar": {
"jarPath": "/path/to/runwar.jar",
"args": [
// Can be a string or an array
"XNIOOptions": {
"WORKER_NAME": "MyWorker"
"UndertowOptions": {
"onServerInitialInstall":"cfpm install mysql websocket"
Last updated
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