Configuring Sites

Learn how (and where) to configure multiple sites from a single CommandBox server

As soon as CommandBox flips over to Multi-Site mode, the settings in the web object will become defaults that apply to all sites. This allows you to group global settings into the top-level web object and then override what you need for each site. Here is the full order of precedence for what settings will be applied:

  • settings in a .site.json file inside a web root of a site

  • settings in an external site JSON file pointed to by the siteConfigFiles setting in server.json

  • site-specific object in the sites object of server.json

  • settings in the web object of server.json

  • server.default settings in CommandBox's global config settings

Settings global to a server

Since all sites for a given server do run inside the same JVM, there are some settings which cannot be customized on a per-site basis. They are as follows:

  • JRE/JDK the server runs on

  • JVM args, heap size

  • CF Engine/version

  • Console log

  • Tuckey Rewrites (part of servlet)

  • Environment Variables

  • Tray icon (there is a single tray icon for the entire server)

Per-site settings

Everything normally set in the web block of your server.json can be configured separately for each site. These settings include:

  • GZIp enabled and GZip predicate

  • Access log

  • Use proxy forwarded IP

  • CommandBox Server Rules (Undertow Predicate Language)

    • SSL settings (HSTS, SSL Redirect)

    • Block CF Admin

    • Block flash remoting

    • Block sensitive paths

  • Security

    • Basic auth

    • Client cert auth

    • Security predicate

  • Custom error pages (404, 500, etc)

  • Mime types

  • Welcome files

  • Allowed file extensions

  • Directory browsing

  • Aliases/Virtual dirs

  • File cache settings

  • Case sensitive paths

  • Web root

  • Server Profile (even though this is not inside the web object in your server.json, it can still be set in a sites block to override for that site.)

And remember, all of the settings in the section above can be defaulted for all sites in the web block at the top of your server.json and then overridden in the sites.siteName block or in a .site.json file.

Debugging settings

There is much-improved console output now coming from Runwar when the server starts up. Add --verbose or --debug to your server start command and you'll see site debug output at the top of the server start in the interactive job output:

   |   |--------------------------------------------------------------
   | √ | Configuring site [site1]
   |   |---------------------------------------
   |   | Site name - site1
   |   | Webroot - C:\path\to\site1\
   |   | Site config file - C:\path\to\server.json
   |   |---------------------------------------
   |   | √ | Setting site [site1] Profile to [development]
   |   |   |------------------------------------------------------------
   |   |   | Profile set from server bound to localhost
   |   |   | Block CF Admin disabled
   |   |   | Block Sensitive Paths enabled
   |   |   | Block Flash Remoting enabled
   |   |   | Allowed Extensions: [log]
   |   |   | Directory Browsing enabled
   |   |   | File Caching disabled
   |   |   |------------------------------------------------------------
   | √ | Configuring site [site2]
   |   |---------------------------------------
   |   | Site name - site2
   |   | Webroot - C:\path\to\site2\
   |   | Site config file - C:\path\to\server.json
   |   |---------------------------------------
   |   | √ | Setting site [site2] Profile to [development]
   |   |   |------------------------------------------------------------
   |   |   | Profile set from server bound to localhost
   |   |   | Block CF Admin enabled
   |   |   | Block Sensitive Paths enabled
   |   |   | Block Flash Remoting enabled
   |   |   | Allowed Extensions: [log2]
   |   |   | Directory Browsing enabled
   |   |   | File Caching disabled
   |   |   |------------------------------------------------------------
   | √ | Configuring site [site3]
   |   |---------------------------------------
   |   | Site name - site3
   |   | Webroot - C:\path\to\site3\
   |   | Site config file - C:\path\to\server.json
   |   |---------------------------------------
   |   | √ | Setting site [site3] Profile to [development]
   |   |   |------------------------------------------------------------
   |   |   | Profile set from server bound to localhost
   |   |   | Block CF Admin disabled
   |   |   | Block Sensitive Paths enabled
   |   |   | Block Flash Remoting enabled
   |   |   | Allowed Extensions: [log]
   |   |   | Directory Browsing disabled
   |   |   | File Caching disabled
   |   |   |------------------------------------------------------------
   | √ | Configuring site [default]
   |   |-----------------------------------------
   |   | Site name - default
   |   | Webroot - C:\path\to\default\
   |   | Site config file - C:\path\to\server.json
   |   |-----------------------------------------
   |   | √ | Setting site [default] Profile to [development]
   |   |   |--------------------------------------------------------------
   |   |   | Profile set from server bound to localhost
   |   |   | Block CF Admin disabled
   |   |   | Block Sensitive Paths enabled
   |   |   | Block Flash Remoting enabled
   |   |   | Allowed Extensions: [log]
   |   |   | Directory Browsing enabled
   |   |   | File Caching disabled
   |   |   |--------------------------------------------------------------

Furthermore, once the actual server process gets underway, with the --trace flag you'll see additional console output like so:

[INFO ] Runwar: ******************************************************************************
[INFO ] Runwar: Starting Runwar
[INFO ] Runwar:   - Runwar Version: 5.0.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO ] Runwar:   - Java Version: 11.0.22+7 (Eclipse Adoptium)
[INFO ] Runwar:   - Java Home: C:\path\to\jre
[INFO ] Runwar: ******************************************************************************
[INFO ] Runwar: Listeners:
[INFO ] Runwar:   - Binding HTTP on
[DEBUG] Runwar:      Setting HTTP/2 enabled: true
[INFO ] Runwar: ******************************************************************************
[INFO ] Runwar: Configuring Servlet
[DEBUG] Runwar:   File cache is disabled
[DEBUG] Runwar:   Ignoring web.xml welcome file, so adding server options welcome files to deployment manager.
[INFO ] Runwar:   Found WEB-INF: 'C:\path\to\WEB-INF'
[DEBUG] Runwar:   Parsing 'C:\path\to\WEB-INF\web.xml'
[TRACE] Runwar:     Total No. of context-params: 0
[TRACE] Runwar:     Total No. of listeners: 0
[TRACE] Runwar:     Total No. of servlets: 2
[TRACE] Runwar:       servlet-name: CFMLServlet, servlet-class: lucee.loader.servlet.CFMLServlet
[TRACE] Runwar:       servlet-name: RESTServlet, servlet-class: lucee.loader.servlet.RestServlet
[TRACE] Runwar:       Mapping servlet-name: CFMLServlet, url-pattern: *.cfc
[TRACE] Runwar:       Mapping servlet-name: CFMLServlet, url-pattern: *.cfm
[TRACE] Runwar:       Mapping servlet-name: CFMLServlet, url-pattern: *.cfml
[TRACE] Runwar:     Total No. of welcome files: 4
[TRACE] Runwar:       welcome-file: index.cfm
[TRACE] Runwar:       welcome-file: index.lucee
[TRACE] Runwar:       welcome-file: index.html
[TRACE] Runwar:       welcome-file: index.htm
[INFO ] Runwar: ******************************************************************************
[INFO ] Runwar: Creating deployment [default]
[DEBUG] Runwar:   Initialized MappedResourceManager
[INFO ] Runwar:     Web Root: C:\path\to\default
[DEBUG] Runwar:     Aliases: {/js=C:\path\to\javascript}
[DEBUG] Runwar:   Adding Mime types
[TRACE] Runwar:   - log = 'text/plain'
[DEBUG] Runwar:   New servlet context created for [default]
[DEBUG] Runwar: ******************************************************************************
[INFO ] Runwar: Creating deployment [site3]
[DEBUG] Runwar:   Initialized MappedResourceManager
[INFO ] Runwar:     Web Root: C:\path\to\site3
[DEBUG] Runwar:     Aliases: {/js=C:\path\to\javascript, /js-brad=C:\path\to\site3\javascript}
[DEBUG] Runwar:   Adding Mime types
[TRACE] Runwar:   - log = 'text/plain'
[DEBUG] Runwar:   New servlet context created for [site3]
[DEBUG] Runwar: ******************************************************************************
[INFO ] Runwar: Creating deployment [site1]
[DEBUG] Runwar:   Initialized MappedResourceManager
[INFO ] Runwar:     Web Root: C:\path\to\site1
[DEBUG] Runwar:     Aliases: {/js=C:\path\to\javascript}
[DEBUG] Runwar:   Adding Mime types
[TRACE] Runwar:   - log = 'text/plain'
[DEBUG] Runwar:   New servlet context created for [site1]
[DEBUG] Runwar: ******************************************************************************
[INFO ] Runwar: Creating deployment [site2]
[DEBUG] Runwar:   Initialized MappedResourceManager
[INFO ] Runwar:     Web Root: C:\path\to\site2
[DEBUG] Runwar:     Aliases: {/js=C:\path\to\site2\javascript}
[DEBUG] Runwar:   Adding Mime types
[TRACE] Runwar:   - log2 = 'application/xml'
[TRACE] Runwar:   - log = 'text/plain'

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