The configuration for a module is contained within in the ModuleConfig.cfc that lives in the root folder. Here's an overview of the options for configuring your module.
component{// Module Propertiesthis.autoMapModels =true;this.modelNamespace ="test";this.cfmapping ="test";this.dependencies = [ "otherModule","coolModule" ];functionconfigure(){// Settings for my module settings = { mySetting ='isCool', settingsCanBe = ['complex','values' ] };// Declare some interceptors to listen interceptors = [ { class='#moduleMapping#.interceptors.TestInterceptor' } ];// Ad-hoc interception events I will announce myself interceptorSettings = { customInterceptionPoints ='' };// Manually map some 'foo' ).to( '' ); }// Runs when module is loadedfunctiononLoad(){'Module loaded successfully.' ); }// Runs when module is unloadedfunctiononUnLoad(){'Module unloaded successfully.' ); }// An interceptor that listens for every command that's run.functionpreCommand( interceptData ){// I just intercepted ALL Commands in the'The command executed is #interceptData.CommandInfo.commandString#'); } }