Github Actions

There are many ways to install CommandBox in your Github actions. However, we have created the official Github Action package so you can install CommandBox easily: Setup CommandBox Action


The following are all the different input variables you can use on the action so you can setup CommandBox with ForgeBox API keys, default packages, specific versions and much more.


Simple usage:

- name: Setup CommandBox
  uses: Ortus-Solutions/setup-commandbox@v2.0.0

With Global Dependencies:

- name: Setup CommandBox
  uses: Ortus-Solutions/setup-commandbox@v2.0.0
    installSystemModules: true

With Specific Dependencies:

- name: Setup CommandBox
  uses: Ortus-Solutions/setup-commandbox@v2.0.0
    install: commandbox-fusionreactor

With ForgeBox Token

- name: Setup CommandBox With ForgeBox Key
  uses: Ortus-Solutions/setup-commandbox@v2.0.0
    forgeboxAPIKey: my-token

Install a specific version of CommandBox

- name: Setup CommandBox With ForgeBox Key
  uses: Ortus-Solutions/setup-commandbox@v2.0.0
    version: 5.0.0

Last updated