Sublime Text

A plugin to run your Commandbox tasks from within Sublime plus some handy snippets too.


  1. Install Via Package Control Commandbox


via PackageControl

If you have PackageControl installed, you can use it to install the package.

Just type cmd-shift-p/ctrl-shift-p to bring up the command pallete and pick Package Control: Install Package from the dropdown, search and select the CommandBox package there and you're all set.


You can clone the repo in your /Packages (Preferences -> Browse Packages...) folder and start using/hacking it.

cd ~/path/to/Packages
git clone git:// Commandbox


If you are having trouble running the plugin in Mac OSX it's possible that your path isn't being reported by your shell. In which case give the plugin SublimeFixMacPath a try. It may resolve our issue.

If you still can't get it to run properly, first make sure your Commandbox tasks run from a terminal (i.e. outside of sublime) and if so then submit an issue.


Running a Commandbox Command

You may select pre-configured commands from Menu -> Commandbox, including the ability enter a custom command.

Keyboard Shortcuts:

  • Ctrl+Shift+B - Run Commandbox Command: A prompt input will open for you to enter your command

  • Ctrl+Shift+T - Start the Embedded Server: Your Commandbox cwd is always the root of your Sublime Project so any box.json configuration will be honored

  • Ctrl+Shift+P - Stop the Embedded Server

  • Alt+P - Show the Commandbox Output Panel ( also available in the View -> Commandbox menu )

  • Alt+[Command|Windows]+P - Hide the Commandbox Output Panel ( also available in the View -> Commandbox menu )


The file Commandbox.sublime-settings is used for configuration, you can change your user settings in Preferences -> Package Settings -> Commandbox -> Settings - User.

The defaults are:

    // Override your environment PATH
    "exec_args": {},
    // Use a new tab when showing the results. If it's false it'll use a panel.
    "results_in_new_tab": false,
    // Defines the delay used to autoclose the panel or tab that holds the box results.
    // If false (or 0) it will remain open.
    "results_autoclose_timeout_in_milliseconds": 0,
    // If true it will open the output panel when running Commandbox(silent) only if the task failed
    "show_silent_errors": true,
    // Create the file 'sublime-commandbox.log' to report errors
    "log_errors": true,
    // Syntax file for highlighting the box results
    // Set to false if you don't want any colors (you may need to restart Sublime)
    "syntax": "Packages/Commandbox/syntax/CommandboxResults.tmLanguage",
    // Read from stdout and stderr without blocking (both at the same time)
    "nonblocking": true,
    // Add a custom flag to a particular box command. Format: { "task_name": "flags" }
    // For example: { "concat": "--silent" }
    "flags": {},
    // If `false` the package will run even if no `box.json` is found on the root folders currently open.
    "check_for_boxjson": true,


You may override your PATH environment variable as follows:

    "exec_args": {
        "path": "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin"

box installed locally

If box is installed locally in the project, you have to specify the path to the box executable. Threfore, adjust the path to /bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:node_modules/.bin


If set to true, a new tab will be used instead of a panel to output the results.


Defines the delay used to autoclose the panel or tab that holds the Commandbox results.


If true it will open the output panel when running Commandbox (silent) only if the task failed


Toggles the creation of sublime-commandbox.log if any error occurs.


Syntax file for highlighting the box results. You can pick it from from the command panel as Set Syntax: Commandbox results.

Set the setting to false if you don't want any colors (you may need to restart Sublime if you're removing the syntax).


When enabled, the package will read the streams from the task process using two threads, one for stdout and another for stderr. This allows all the output to be piped to Sublime live without having to wait for the task to finish.

If set to false, it will read first from stdout and then from stderr.

Bind Your Own Keyboard Shortcuts

You can use a shortcut for running a specific task like this:

{ "keys": ["KEYS"], "command": "commandbox", "args": { "task_name": "watch" } }