Command Execution Lifecycle


Announced before the execution of a command. This fires after all command parameters have been evaluated, including expressions. If piping the output of one command into another in a command chain, this will fire twice-- once for each command in the chain.


  • commandInfo - A struct containing the following keys about the command to execute

    • commandString - A string representing the command name

    • commandReference - The instantiated Command CFC

    • parameters - An array of un-parsed parameter tokens typed in the CLI

    • closestHelpCommand - The CFC path to the most-applicable help command. Used to generate namespace help.

  • parameterInfo - A struct containing the following keys about the processed parameters for the command execution

    • positionalParameters - An array of parameter values

    • namedParameters - A struct of name/value pairs. The named parameters are always what is passed to the command's run() method.

    • flags - A struct of flags that were passed in.


Announced immediately after command execution is complete. If more than one command is piped together in a command chain, this is announced after each command in the chain.


  • commandInfo - Same as preCommand above

  • parameterInfo - Same as preCommand above

  • results - A string that represents any output from the command that hasn't already been flushed to the console.


Announced prior to drawing the prompt in the interactive shell. This interception point can be used to customize the text of the prompt by modifying the prompt variable in intercept data which is an ANSI-formatted string to be output before the cursor.


  • prompt - An ANSI-formatted string containing the prompt text. Replacing this value will override the prompt.


Pre and post command fire before and after each command, but that means they fire twice for something like:

echo `package show name`

preProcessLine will fire only once for the above command after the user hits enter but before anything is processed.


  • line - A string representing the line typed into the shell. Changing the contents of this string will override what actually gets executed.


Pre and post command fire before and after each command, but that means they fire twice for something like:

echo `package show name`

postProcessLine will fire only once for the above command after the entire line has been executed. Any output is already sent to the console by the time this interception point fires.


  • line - A string representing the line that was just executed in the shell.

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